Self Service

Self Service

Here you can find answers to the most common questions and problems that students contact us for. Please read through this page before getting in touch with us.

How can I set up my router?

To help you set up your router, we provide a video guide: Setup Router with LRZ IP-Sheet - Olynet (opens in a new tab)

Alternatively (e.g. if your current bandwidth doesn't allow watching video) you can use this manual (opens in a new tab).

If you are using a Studentenstadt-Router (StuStaNet), you might find this sheet (opens in a new tab) helpful.

My internet is slow, what can I do?

If this problem occurs during peak times (e.g. in the evening), it is likely caused by the limited capacity of the dormitory network infrastructure. Sadly, we cannot do anything to change this. If your internet connection is also inconsistent, please see My internet is inconsistent, what can I do.

My internet is inconsistent, what can I do?

You can try the following approaches:

  • Try Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi. Connect an Ethernet cable from your router's yellow or orange port to your computer's Ethernet port. Newer notebooks may need a USB-C to Ethernet adapter.
  • If you are using a rather cheap WIFI router, you can try upgrading to a more powerful one. Olynet offers preconfigured routers for this purpose. If you are interested, stop by in our office during the opening hours.
  • Try a different Ethernet cable to connect to the wall-mounted network outlet. If you don't have another cable, you can purchase one from Olynet. in our office during the opening hours.
  • If the problem still persists, we can visit your apartment and check whether your wall-mounted network outlet is defective. If it is, we will forward your case to the Studentenwerk that handles further repairs.

Where are the network outlets located?

At the power outlets left of the wardrobe

Into which outlet and which port should I plug my cable?

The exact port is specified on the IP-sheet: The exact port is specified on the IP-sheet. Usually the ports are also labelled with "Telefon" (Phone) and "Internet". Plug the cable into the internet port.

I didn’t receive my network address sheet (Netzdatenblatt), what can I do?

These are handed out by the Studentenwerk. We are not allowed to hand these out. Please contact the Studentenwerk to resolve this issue.

I have a DSL router, will it work in this dormitory?


Does it cost anything for Olynet to configure my router or help me with any problems that I have?

No, we are a student club consisting of volunteers, our work is free of charge. If you decide to purchase hardware from us, you will however have to pay for it.

I still have questions, how can I contact you?

Shoot us a mail or stop by our office during the opening hours.

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